These days it can be tough to maintain an A+ rating with the BBB. Many companies claim this, but hope no one actually checks up to find out if it is a legitimate score. Many companies do not mention their BBB score because it is not up to par. Those companies who have managed to maintain an A+ rating, surely boast this fact proudly at every chance. There are many ways to lose your A+ BBB rating, but few ways to keep it.
AirCool has had an A+ rating with the BBB of Florida as long as it has been in business. This is due to always providing the best service we can, and following up with our clients to make sure they are completely satisfied. We have lots of great comments and reviews to see there, and a few where issues were brought to our attention. The best aspect of the BBB's system is that when there is a review which points out an issue with our service, we are notified and given a chance to resolve the issue. This has happened a few times in the past with AirCool, but we have always managed to resolve the issue with our clients.
Most of the issues deal with a misunderstanding of the job to be performed, or the price of the project. Some can be due to not understanding technical terms described in invoices or work orders. Thankfully, we care about the client and their perception of value and quality. A quick reach out to the client to resolve the issue has always proved successful. We find that if we do the best job we can, we can all but avoid an unhappy or unsatisfied client. A company really has to work at being the best it can be, because it is easier to be lazy and do low quality work. We always go the extra mile, because we believe this is the best way to retain our clients and gain new ones.
Check out our Website's Homepage, and follow the link to our BBB rating and see for yourself. We have been around for over 17 years in this area. The whole time working to preserve our great BBB rating, by providing the best possible service. So, if you are looking for a trusted HVAC and air conditioning repair company, look no further. You can trust in our work, and in our highly trained technicians. When it's hot this summer, don't lose your cool - call AirCool.
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